a motorcyclist's blog

Tag: training

Muscle Memory and Enjoying the Ride

Enjoy the Ride

Most motorcycle riders will tell you that riding is great experience. Words like “blast”, “exhilarating” and yes, “fun” are terms often used to describe the joy that is motorcycle riding. So why is it many new riders will confess that riding a motorcycle can be a scary and intense activity?

One reason that comes to mind is experience or, in the case of the new rider, lack thereof. Let’s look at why.

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Total Control Advanced Riding Clinics Return to Nashville

I’m very saddened to report that I cannot no longer support Lee Parks’ programs. As good as the program is I, cannot support Lee Parks and how he has treated some people who work for him.  It is unfortunate that it has come to this.

Please continue to search out education on improving your riding skills.  It is important to always to keep learning but I cannot recommend anyone participate in the Total Control Advanced Riding clinics.

I’m very pleased to announce that the Lee Park’s Total Control Advanced Riding Clinics are coming back to Nashville this summer. In partnership with Music City Motorcycle Training, David Beyer will be returning to Nashville this July to teach Level 1 clinics on Saturday, July 8th and Sunday, July 9th.

The classes will be hosted at the Nashville Fairgrounds Speedway at 625 Smith Ave. Nashville TN 37203. These classes are limited to 12 spots each day so don’t wait too long to register. You can register by clicking here or by going to totalcontroltraining.net .



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